
Showing posts from August, 2020

Puppy Potty Training - Using A Dog Training Bell To Prevent A Pet Accident

What is the best way to train a new puppy (or and old dog for that matter)? Well, all Dog Trainers have their own ideas of the methods that work best for avoiding a puppy accident. However, few would disagree that using a dog training bell is one of the best methods. Finally, what was once a nightmare that could drag on and on (and I can attest to this), has become a much more satisfying challenge. I can also attest to the fact that utilizing a dog training bell has resulted in much more pleasurable and satisfying experiences for my clients and me.  Eight years ago, when we brought home Painter, a Black Lab Mix, as a puppy (so named for "stepping in" and "helping" to paint our new house), we were not aware of the best way to stop him from having a puppy accident and we did not know how valuable a dog training bell would be. The result, at least one puppy accident almost every day of the week.  Well, since training Painter all those years ago, we, like many other dog